Monday, June 09, 2014

Wibo Summer Extreme Nails no. 532 + Wibo no. 484

This mani isn't special at all. I know it, I just wanted to check 2 of my newest polishes. One was were good, the other one wasn't...
Wibo Summer Extreme Nails no. 532 is that good one:) It's lovely light, but not so light blue polish that needs only 2 coats to fully cover our nails.
Nice color, right? It's not unique, I think I have one or two polishes similar to this one, but I like it! And this new bottle of Wibo's polishes is cool too:)
The other one's Wibo Express growth no.484. When I got home I found out I have 3 almost the same polishes:D But this one's definitely the worst! 
I put 4 coats of this polish and it still wasn't enough! I don't's like, it requires 8 of them:P Color's very nice but application terrible. So it's totally not worth buying, especially that almost every brand have the same color in their collections.
About mani...well, I just did dots:D Two-colored dots but still just dots:P
Jedna firma a dwa całkowicie różne jakościowo lakiery...Niebieski jest fajny, a zielony nie dość, ze dubluje mi się w kolekcji. Mam chyba ze 3 czy 4 niemal, albo i całkowicie identyczne z różnych firm to jeszcze, szczerze mówiąc jest beznadziejny:P



  1. Perfect combo! Love the mix between acid green and light blue.

  2. I really like the design and I think the colour go well together! So cool :-)

  3. Tylko kropki ale super kropki- bardzo fajny mani :D

  4. I love this, I do think its a shame that you didn't like one of the polishes but that's just the way it is sometimes! :( That said I do love these colours together, very pretty! xx

  5. I love this combination!
    But what a pity that the coverage of these polishes isn't what you expected it to be!

    ~Xx~ Julia

  6. Zestawienie zielonego z niebieskim jest takie bardzo letnie jak trawa i niebo :D No i kropki które uwielbiam :) Super:)


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