Wednesday, June 18, 2014


I'm just in Amsterdam and I'm waiting for my flight to Boston. So that's a perfect time to show you my american nails:)
 To be honest, I really liked this! It looked much better in a real life because the glitter was more visible.
I used two polishes from Essence colour&go series. The red one's Essence colour&go 169 a hint of love and the blue one's Essence colour&go 129 the boy next door. 
They both looked great together and really were similar to US flag.
I also thought about adding a white dots to make it even more similar to that flag but it'd be too much, I think...
So, I'm going to work in the kitchen for the next 2 months and then traveling across USA and Meixco. Working in the kitchen isn't the best for nails so I won't be posting too much those days but please, stay with me!:)
Na trzy miesiące muszę częściowo pożegnać się z blogowaniem. Z pewnością będę odwiedzać Wasze blogi, bo będę miała dużo wolnego czasu, ale moje paznokcie nie będą wystarczająco dobrym stanie do pokazywania ich. Uroki pracy na kuchni...:P
Tak więc do zobaczenia na stałe pod koniec września, a sporadycznie przez cały ten czas:)


Sunday, June 15, 2014

Summer Extreme Nails no. 520 and Life no.09

Wibo Summer Extreme Nails no. 520 and I have really complicated relationship. It was love at first sight, but then I didn't like it at all. However, I'm in love with this one again now:)
 Wiboo no. 520 is lovely pastel peachy nail polish with a delicate shimmer.
I also wanted to try my first Life nail polish. It's Life no.09 and I love it a lot! Mainly, because it looks exactly like my favorite dress. The same colors:)
It mix of green, blue and peachy glitter witth smaller pieces of black glitter. Great combo:)
It's hard too see a difference between this nails polish and peachy glitter - they look almost the same;)
W sztucznym świetle w sklepie się w nim zakochałam, potem w domu w buteleczce średnio mi się podobał. Ale jak już go nałożyłam na paznokcie to moja miłość ożyła:) I trwa nadal:)
Mój pierwszy Life też jest genialny, a w dodatku jest w kolorach mojej ulubionej sukienki:) Czego chcieć więcej?


Friday, June 13, 2014

FIFA World Cup in Brazil

I don't know if you know that, but I'm huge sports fan! And maybe, football/soccer isn't my favorite one, but you know...World Cup is a huge thing:)
I prepered manicure which should be similar to Brazil's flag. I know, it's not, but at least colors are great:)
It's not similar because that blue part should look a little bit different and I should add some white accent...
But it doesn't matter because I'm working as a bookmaker and every client said: 'cool nails, so you support Brazil?':D I'm actually not, it's just because the whole event is in Brazil:)
For this mani I used Maybelline ColoRama no. 749 (yellow), blue polish by BYS and green nail polish from Safari. 
 Jak się pracuje w zakładach bukmacherskich to takie paznokcie zwracają uwagę wszystkich Panów-graczy;) Oczywiście nie byłabym sobą nie obastawiając wyniku tego meczu, a postawienie na remis do przerwy i zwycięstwo Brazyli pozwoliło mi na kupienie przynajmniej dwóch nowych lakierów;D
Tak wiem, jestem uzależniona, ale teraz to już nie wiem czy bardziej od lakierów czy grania:P


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Neon gradient:)

I have no words to describe how much I love neon polishes! So, that's the other mani with Lovely Ibiza LE, the one that I wore in Tuscany:)
That's a great combo of Lovely Ibiza no.1 (yellow) and Lovely Ibiza no.3 (orange). 
To be honest, I think everyone could see my nails. Even from a huge distance:) They're really intense:)
Lately, I also bought neon green textured polish so my life's complete now:) Can't wait until I use all of them in one manicure:)
Florence in the background:))
No serio, czy są jakieś lepsze lakiery niż neony? W dodatku piaskowe?:D Nie sądzę! To było tak hardcorowe połączenie, że nie było opcji, żeby ktoś ich nie zauważył:)


Monday, June 09, 2014

Wibo Summer Extreme Nails no. 532 + Wibo no. 484

This mani isn't special at all. I know it, I just wanted to check 2 of my newest polishes. One was were good, the other one wasn't...
Wibo Summer Extreme Nails no. 532 is that good one:) It's lovely light, but not so light blue polish that needs only 2 coats to fully cover our nails.
Nice color, right? It's not unique, I think I have one or two polishes similar to this one, but I like it! And this new bottle of Wibo's polishes is cool too:)
The other one's Wibo Express growth no.484. When I got home I found out I have 3 almost the same polishes:D But this one's definitely the worst! 
I put 4 coats of this polish and it still wasn't enough! I don't's like, it requires 8 of them:P Color's very nice but application terrible. So it's totally not worth buying, especially that almost every brand have the same color in their collections.
About mani...well, I just did dots:D Two-colored dots but still just dots:P
Jedna firma a dwa całkowicie różne jakościowo lakiery...Niebieski jest fajny, a zielony nie dość, ze dubluje mi się w kolekcji. Mam chyba ze 3 czy 4 niemal, albo i całkowicie identyczne z różnych firm to jeszcze, szczerze mówiąc jest beznadziejny:P


Saturday, June 07, 2014

KIKO Cupcake no. 648

My first Cupcake! I can use one sentence to describe it: I'm in love! Deeply in love:) That's the best souvenir from Florence;)
KIKO Cupcake no. 648 is called Pineapple but I don't know why:P It remind me caramel cupcake or a toffee one:)
It's textured pastel yellow polish with orange and dark brow/black particles. This combo looks really great together!
I needed only two coats and what's really good - it didin't chip at all! Another great thing - it's better than other textured polishes because it's so easy to remove it. Just like a regular polish. Without any problems:)
Cupcakowe love! Uwielbiam ten lakier, serio wygląda jak ciasteczka! Genialna tekstura, nie odpryskuje, zmywa się bajecznie łatwo. Jak zwykly lakier. Nie wiem tylko skąd ta nazwa - ananas:D
Kolega, z którym byłam we Włoszech powiedział, że pewnie tylko dlatego wybrałam Toskanię na pierwszego tripa w tym roku, żeby kupić te lakiery:D Zupełnie nieprawda, ale te 3 babeczki, które kupiłam są genialnym dodatkiem do tych krótkich wakacji:) 

Thursday, June 05, 2014


When I saw Wibo Candy Shop no.4 for the first time my first thought was: 'wow, it looks exactly like a Milka'. Do you agree? Just look:)
 Caramel Milka! The best one!:) Pictures were a good excuse to buy one:)
Wibo Candy Shop no.4 is the lighter one. The darker one's My Secret Sandy Nail Polish 174 Violet Star. I think, they look great together:)
I like textured gradients more and more! I hope textured polishes will be popular for a long time:)
I have two coats of Wibo's polish a and then I sponged Violet Star over it. I wear that combo for about 3 days and it didn't chip at all.
Kilka razy spotkałam się z określeniem, że ten Wibo to tak milkowy kolor więc musiałam kupić czekoladę, żeby przekonać się na własne oczy:D A że była promocja 'druga za 50%...':P
A sam lakier faktycznie wygląda identycznie! Genialna jest ta seria i świetnie nadaje się do gradientów:)


Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Blue dots:)

To be honest, it's my mom idea for manicure. She said something like: 'you know what may look good? Dots in different shades of some color'. And that's what I did:)
 I decided to use blues as it's one of my favorite colors to wear on nails.
Unfortunateky, the weather wasn't good that day so pics are a little bit too dark but colors were more intense in reality:)
I used 4 different shades of blue: the lightes one's Essence colour&go 146 that's what I mint! Then Sensique 171 forget-me-not and wet'n'wild Listening to Blue Reed. The darkest one's Catrice LE Hip Trip Blue Highway.
Base's Lovely Classic Nail Polish no. 25. Still not perfect but that's my favorite white one:)
Nawet mama ma czasem fajne pomysły:D  Spróbuję jeszcze kiedyś z innymi kolorami, bo efekt całkiem mi się spodobał:)


Sunday, June 01, 2014

Lovely Baltic Sand no.7

Lovely Baltic Sand no.7 is my 4th one from this collection. It's a beautiful shade of blue polish, but unfortunately it's not so blue in the pictures...
It's a light blue textured polish with silver and blue glitter. I especially love that blue one! It looks great on this background - just look:)
Lovely Baltic Sand no.7 (just like onther ones from this mini collection) needs only 2 coats to fully cover our nails.
What I also like about this nail polish's its brush. It's quite wide and it's really easy to use it.
It looks great in a sunlight, then its color's even more intense. But it was hard to swatch it as it always seemed to look like a silver one.
Mimo, że ostatnio wolę piaski bez brokatu to tą serię i tak uwielbiam! Przyznam szczerze, że ten kolor bardziej spodobał mi się w buteleczce - wtedy kolor wydaje się ładniejszy, taki mocniejszy. Na paznokciach często wyglądał jak srebrny...

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